Manulife Direct Billing Massage

 Manulife approved massage therapists (Registered Massage Therapists)

How good is Manulife massage coverage?

Most companies cover up to 80% of cost for a massage and many of them limit each session to $110 per hour. However we see Manulife plans that cover 90% of treatment cost without putting a limit for the price per hour and some plans even have 100% coverage. Occasionally we see that a physician referral is required, but that is quite rare.

Do I need to do anything before my Manulife massage?

Simply make sure to have your Manulife member ID and the plan number ready. If it is your first visit we strongly recommend to arrive 15 minutes early to finish any paperwork needed (you will need to sign a payment authorization form so that we can bill directly to Manulife to minimize or even eliminate your out of pocket expenses).

Do all of your Registered Massage Therapists offer Manulife massage direct billing?

As of 2021 September 7th all Registered Massage Therapists at Clinic Therapy Richmond offer Manulife direct billing EXCEPT for Elana Wu. For the most up to date list please check our homepage or book your appointment here.

Please read our comprehensive Direct Billing Massage post that goes into more details. Have a different insurance company?

You may also see our very detailed ICBC insurance direct billing for Massage Therapy post, Pacific Blue Cross direct billing page, Canada Life massage post, Sun Life direct billing information and Manulife massage post.