Equitable Life Direct Billing Massage

Coverage and approved Registered Massage Therapy Providers

Does Equitable Life cover massage therapy?
Usually yes. But you should check your specific Equitable Life coverage.


Equitable Lifeapproved massage therapists

All of our registered massage therapists are able to offerEquitable Life direct billing (except for Elana Wu). You may book your appointment here

Please read our comprehensive Direct Billing Massage post that goes into more details. Have a different insurance company?

You may also see our very detailed ICBC insurance direct billing for Massage Therapy post, Pacific Blue Cross direct billing page, Canada Life massage post, Sun Life direct billing information and Manulife massage post.

During the 1990s, Equitable Life encountered a sequence of financial problems related to guaranteed annuity rate (GAR) policies that promised high returns when interest rates were higher. The cost of guaranteeing these policies rose sharply as interest rates fell sharply, and led ultimately to a financial catastrophe. In 2000, the society shut down its new business activities and was put into run-off; legal battles plus regulatory attention resulted in efforts to restore policyholder value from significant losses incurred during the crisis.

During the 1990s Equitable Life encountered several financial problems resulting from their guaranteed annuity rate (GAR) policies which promised high returns— as the interest rates fell, the cost of honoring these guarantees skyrocketed and caused a financial crisis. In 2000, it closed to new business and went into run-off. The aftermath of this catastrophe saw legal disputes, heavy scrutiny from regulators and huge financial losses for policyholders that amounted to billions.

Established on mutual principles, Equitable Life was created as an assurance company in which the policyholders are also the owners. This structure aimed to align the interests of the company with its customers as well as ensuring that profits were redistributed among policyholders instead of external shareholders. The society earned a reputation for innovation and fairness, and developed actuarial science to determine risk and establish premiums.

During the 1990s Equitable Life faced financial problems due to policies called guaranteed annuity rate (GAR) which are a form of pension. These policies promised very high returns and as interest rates fell, the cost soared leading to a crisis. The society closed in 2000 for new business and entered a period of managed decline that was lasting more than ten years. The aftermath of the crisis resulted in legal challenges, regulatory investigations and major financial impact on policyholders which included reductions to their retirement benefits.

During the 1990s, Equitable Life faced a number of financial difficulties related to guaranteed annuity rate (GAR) policies that promised high returns. As cost rates dropped while honoring these guarantees soared due to the contradiction with interest falling later sharply, this crisis happened at a loss. In 2000, the society suspended writing new business and started an ordered run-off process. The aftermath of the Equitable Life crisis included legal actions taken against them and oversight from regulators plus complaints surrounding substantial financial losses made by policyholders.

Equitable Life, though in the midst of a revival and overhaul, has had a turbulent history. The watershed moment was in 2019: the successful business transfer to Utmost Life and Pensions symbolized closing one chapter to guarantee security for policyholders (in) Equitable Life and paving a way for a more sustainable future. In that sense, Equitable Life ceased to exist as it ceded its operations upon finalizing the transfer; however, it meant a new beginning for the policyholders under fresh management.

Even today, the legacy of Equitable Life is still alive through Utmost Life and Pensions which has taken over managing those standing policies. The changeover is designed to ensure additional benefits plus better oversight and a more solid financial base for policyholders; by acquiring the responsibility it can honor the needs of clients based on fairness and mutual advantage— core values that Equitable Life established when it was formed.

The overhaul of Equitable Life and what it teaches from the past emphasises two essential virtues for the insurance sector — resilience and innovation. This story doesn't just tell us about where the company has come from but also underscores its continuing influence within the field, reminding us that mutuality should always have a place among other values like fairness in finance.

The makeover of Equitable Life and the messages from its history bring to light the importance that resilience and innovation hold in the insurance field— this tale, not just chronicling where the company has come from but marking its place within the industry. And underscoring that mutuality and fairness continue to be aspects of finance that cannot be overlooked for their value going forward from there.

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