Pacific Blue Cross Direct Billing Massage

Coverage and approved Registered Massage Therapy Providers

Does Pacific Blue Cross cover massage therapy?
Usually yes and Pacific Blue Cross usually has the BEST coverage out of all other insurance companies and it is the EASIEST and most reliable company when it comes to submitting claims.


Pacific Blue Cross approved massage therapists

All of our registered massage therapists are able to offer Pacific Blue Cross direct billing (except for Elana Wu). You may book your appointment here

How good is Pacific Blue Cross massage therapy coverage in BC?

There is a reason why Pacific Blue Cross is the most popular choice for most people - it is the easiest company to submit invoices to, their approval process is usually instant and very simple compared to all other insurers. Nurses have especially good coverage and our clinic is often chosen by nurses who look for a Blue Cross direct billing massage.

Please read our comprehensive Direct Billing Massage post that goes into more details. Have a different insurance company?

You may also see our very detailed ICBC insurance direct billing for Massage Therapy post, Pacific Blue Cross direct billing page, Canada Life massage post, Sun Life direct billing information and Manulife massage post.